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Tuesday, June 07 2022
Are you losing talent because the hiring process is too slow?

It is well known that currently, we are in a candidate shortage, while Australia may not be experiencing the Great Resignation as much as other countries, job applications are down and people are staying in their jobs.   Research shows that candidates lose interest in a role two weeks after the first interview, which is at odds with the average time to recruit for a role, which is 43 days.   Professional candidates have expectations of a two-stage interview process with organisations (not including the initial interview with the recruitment company).  How can companies streamline their interview process, so they don’t lose talented candidates?

  1. Set expectations upfront of how long the process will take.

  1. Prepare for interviews – have your questions ready for the candidate, and make sure you have covered off not only what the job requires, but how it fits in the wider team and most importantly the values and culture of the company.

  1. For interviews where there are multiple people involved in the hiring decision, bring the candidate into your board room and if decision stakeholders are not there, get them to join in via Zoom / Teams/ Google Meet, so the candidate can meet everyone at the same time

  1. Communication – your recruiter will be speaking daily to the candidate and keeping them updated, so being honest about any delays so they can communicate this effectively.

  1. Ensure your recruiter is an industry expert, so the candidates are vetted and qualified before you interview them.

Posted by: Kirstne Keenan AT 11:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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